Revolutionising preservation: iLEAD and The Asiatic Society’s historic cooperation

In a significant move towards preserving the historical and cultural heritage of India, The Asiatic Society, a renowned institution dedicated to historical and cultural research, has partnered with the Institute of Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Development (iLEAD). As a part of the initiative, the two institutions signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), striving to protect and document India’s rich historical and archeological legacy using artificial intelligence (AI) and modern research techniques.

The partnership marks a new chapter in historical preservation, merging traditional scholarship with modern technological advancements. As a part of the agreement, The Asiatic Society will grant access to its archival collections and historical records. It will also provide scholarly guidance for research and preservation. Meanwhile, iLEAD will utilise its AI-driven innovation to restore manuscripts. This will ensure the longevity and accessibility of the document. The institute’s proficiency in media production will work towards crafting documentaries and making history interesting and more accessible to the people.

Speaking about the inception of this idea, Pradip Chopra, Chairman of iLEAD, said, “We have a strong media department. They have digitised many of our library’s books, which were in very poor condition. With the help of AI, we have also translated several books that were written in ancient Hindi or other languages. We then approached and presented our work to The Asiastic Society. They were also impressed by the historically important films that we made using AI. This resulted in our collaboration.”

This MoU is specifically made to address five key areas: 

Marine archaeological research – Conducting in-depth study of the marine archaeology of Sundarbans and Murshidabad.

Manuscript preservation and translation – Utilising AI to restore faded texts while digitising and translating ancient manuscripts written in Brahmi and other classical scripts.

Museology and archival preservation – Enhancing preservation techniques with AI to maintain historical records and artifacts.

Documentary and web series production – Exploring India’s past and The Asiatic Society’s legacy through cinematic content. Films will also be made on notable historical figures and events.

Textile documentation – Crafting booklets that emphasises the importance of Indian textiles and raise public awareness.

Lt. Col. Anant Sinha, administrator of The Asiatic Society, highlighted the importance of this cooperation, “This collaboration marks a transformative step in the way we study and preserve India’s historical treasures. By combining traditional scholarship with AI-driven innovation, we can unlock new dimensions of research and storytelling.”

Workshops, seminars, and training programs on AI application in historical research and conservation will be conducted under this collaboration. Short-term courses on museology and artifact preservation will be offered as well.

AI can help in performing research on historical records, but it is not as simple as it seems. “The Asiatic Society has a huge repository and has experts on various subjects. We can use AI to conduct research on various ancient manuscripts. However, this is a time-consuming process. It requires significant effort and training,” Sinha claimed, adding, “AI can play a vital role in making this data accurate and accessible. But first, it must be  trained with vast amounts of information to ensure precision.”

The partnership between the two institutions will also seek funding opportunities to support research and production projects. It will further contribute to the sustainability of their initiatives. By disseminating knowledge among scholars, students, and the broader public, they aim to enhance awareness about India’s rich cultural heritage. “The main goal is to preserve these historic pieces as well as make them available to the general public,” Sinha affirmed.

This cooperation merges academia and technology to safeguard India’s invaluable cultural wealth, marking a milestone in the field. “We are excited to bring modern technological advancements into historical preservation. This initiative will not only protect invaluable records but also engage new generations in India’s history through immersive documentaries and digital content,” Chopra concluded.