The Tamil Nadu public health department in a statement on Sunday said that the state vaccinated 7,91,889 people during the 21st mega vaccination camp held across the state on Saturday. The state has been conducting mega vaccination camps since September 12, 2021.
Of the 7,91,889 people who were inoculated on Saturday, 1,86,785 received the first dose of their vaccine while 5,77,397 people took the second dose. A total 27,707 people received the booster dose or precaution dose during the mega vaccine camp on Saturday.
The state health department in the statement also said that there will not be any mega vaccination on Sunday.
Tamil Nadu Health Minister, Ma Subramanian while speaking to IANS said, “After the 21st mega vaccination camp, the vaccination rate stood at 90.78 per cent for the first dose and 70.02 per cent for the second dose respectively.”
He also said that five per cent of the children in the age group of 15-18 were given the second dose of the vaccine in the past four days. The state, according to the health minister has already inoculated 26,61,866 children in the age group of 15-18 with the first dose of the vaccine. This accounts for almost 80 per cent of the eligible population in the age group of 15-18.
Subramanian also said that reopening of schools will increase the pace of vaccination of children in the age group of 15-18.