The sports personalities across India on Wednesday extended their wishes on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti, the birthday of Lord Hanuman who is also known as Maruti, Pawanputra, Kesari Nandan and Bajrang Bali. The day is celebrated on full moon day during Chaitra month.
“In these uncertain times, may the lord bless you with peace and good health. I wish and hope we tide over this soon and stronger🙏🏻 #stayhome #HanumanJayanti,” tweeted out-of-favour India all-rounder Suresh Raina.
In these uncertain times, may the lord bless you with peace and good health. I wish and hope we tide over this soon and stronger🙏🏻 #stayhome #HanumanJayanti
— Suresh Raina🇮🇳 (@ImRaina) April 8, 2020
“May the spirit of Lord Hanuman , the epitome of power & fearlessness arise in each one of us and help us overcome all the challenges in our lives. Wishing you a very happy #HanumanJayanti !” wrote former India player VVS Laxman.
May the spirit of Lord Hanuman , the epitome of power & fearlessness arise in each one of us and help us overcome all the challenges in our lives. Wishing you a very happy
#HanumanJayanti !— VVS Laxman (@VVSLaxman281) April 8, 2020
Here are some more wishes:
🙏🙏🙏🙏 Jai Hanuman
— Saina Nehwal (@NSaina) April 8, 2020
जीवन तुमने दिया है संभालोगे तुम आशा हमें विश्वास है हर मुश्किल से विधाता निकालोगे तुम
माँ अंजनी के लाल पवन पुत्र हनुमान 💐🙏🏻🙏🏻💐
हनुमान जयंती की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं 💐🙏🏻💐
प्रभु अपना आशीर्वाद हम सब पर सदा बनाए रखें #जय__श्री__राम🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻— Bajrang Punia 🇮🇳 (@BajrangPunia) April 8, 2020
According to Hindu beliefs, worshipping Bajrangbali gives devotees inner strength and helps them defeat evil forces.