The ouster of former Indian skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni has generated a lot of debates among cricket fans as well veteran cricketers. When Indian captain Virat Kohli was not asked about selectors’ decision to drop the wicket-keeper batsman from the T20I squad for upcoming three-match T20I series against West Indies and Australia, he said, he was not part of the meeting and that it was the call of the selectors.
“I think the selectors have already addressed this if I’m not wrong. And he’s been spoken to, firstly… So, I don’t see any reason why I should be sitting here and explaining that. I think the selectors have come out and explained exactly what happened. I was not part of that conversation so… It is what the selector explained,” Virat Kohli said at the post-match press conference.
“I think people are putting too much variables into the situation, which is not the case I can assure of that. He’s still a very integral part of this team and he just feels that in the T20 format, someone like Rishabh can get more chances, he anyway plays the ODIs for us regularly” Kohli added.
“From that point of view, he’s only trying to help the youngsters; nothing that anything that other people are thinking and I as captain can certainly assure you of that.” he said.
Earlier, India’s batting great Sunil Gavaskar had also said Dhoni was very important for Virat Kohli as the Ranchi batsman’s experience might be invaluable for the team in the 2019 World Cup.
“There’s no doubt about it. In 50 overs where there is that much more time, that’s when MSD comes into play. You know he makes those small field adjustments, talking to the bowlers in Hindi – telling them where to bowl and what to bowl. It’s a huge plus for Virat”, Gavaskar said.