At 15 when boys of his age are busy in games and gadgets, Shapath Bharadwaj, who created history in double trap shooting in India, follows a strict daily regime of physical, mental and technical training as he is all set to represent the country in the three World cups this year, the first one being in New Delhi.
Having been selected for the senior Indian double trap team, Shapath had qualified in the selection trials at Patiala in November 2016 leaving the shooting fraternity astonished.
For the first time ever, a junior player, just aged 14 had made it to the senior team. He scored 122/150 and 136/150 in the selection trials which was added to his Nationals score of 136/150 as he finished second after Ankur Mittal who is his teammate besides Sangram Singh Dhaiya.
Shapath`s coach Yogindra Pal Singh ‘Yogi’ attributes his success to hardwork and strict training regime.
"Shapath undergoes a tough physical , mental and technical training of the sport which has taken him so far," he said.
Shapath, however gives all the credit to coach Yogi, chief coach of junior team Vikram Singh Chopra and his mental trainer Seema Sharma, a clinical psychologist.
While the preparations are on in full swing at Karni Singh Shooting range of Delhi for the ISSF World cup to commence from February 23rd, Shapath is working hard to give his best in the championship.
He is undergoing a training camp for world cup in Delhi commenced on February 8th.
“We have high hopes from Shapath and are confident that he will create new records in these world cups,” said Getamber Anand, president of CREDAI (Confederation of Real Estate Developers Associations in India) who has sponsored the young shooter to excel his shooting skills .
In just a short journey of his shooting carrier Shapath has many firsts and records to his name. He holds the national record of highest score 139/150 by a junior– in and outside India, which he had scored in Porpetto , Italy last year winning an individual and team gold medals for the country.
“ Right now my entire focus is on the three world cups in New Delhi, Mexico and Cyprus,” says Shapath who is also preparing for his annual exams strike a balance between sports and studies.