Weeks after spending in hospital undergoing angioplasty, former India cricket captain Kapil Dev on Friday confirmed that he is recovering well and that “his heart is working good.”
Last month, the 1983 World Cup winning captain had suffered a cardiac arrest and subsequently underwent an angioplasty at a private hospital in New Delhi.
“Happy Dipawali to everybody and I hope this year brings lots and lots of happiness to everybody. Thanks for your wishes. I am healthy and happy. Heart is working good but I want to wish everybody lots and lots of happiness around the world,” India’s first World Cup-winning captain said in a video posted on his official Twitter handle.
On Thursday, the 61-year-old got back to the golf course after 20 days of the surgery and shared a video playing the sport with his friends at the Delhi Golf Club.
“You cannot express in words what fun it is to be back on the golf course or a cricket ground. It is beautiful to be back at the golf course, having fun and playing with friends. That’s what life is all about,” Kapil said in the video.
Kapil held the world record for most Test wickets (434) for over six years until it was broken by Courtney Walsh of the West Indies. The other big achievement of Kapil was to lead India to World Cup triumph in 1983, when the team was considered minnows in limited-overs cricket. He played 131 Tests and 225 ODIs between 1978 and 1994.
Meanwhile, earlier on Friday, a photo was shared in which in which the legendary all-rounder is seen flashing a double thumbs up sign from his hospital bed.
In the photo, 61-year-old Kapil’s daughter Amiya is also seen sitting on a chair beside his hospital bed smiling while he is posing for the camera. Kapil, according to a bulletin from Fortis-Escorts Heart Institute Hospital in south Delhi on Friday, was in the Intensive Care Unit and would be discharged in a couple of days.
With IANS inputs