Uninformed choices

Donald Trump (File Photo)

The 2024 US presidential campaign looks set to only superficially resemble previous races for the White House. It will, of course, have debates and rallies, canvassing and television commercials, conventions and commentary, besides endless polling. Yet, it will be unlike any other, shadowed throughout by the singular focus on former President Donald Trump and his multiple legal battles. Bringing the focus of the election back to the future of America at home and abroad requires a collective effort from candidates, media, and the electorate. To achieve this, it is essential for candidates to prioritise discussing their policy proposals, visions, and plans for the country’s future rather than dwelling solely on individual legal battles or personalities. Voters can play a crucial role by seeking comprehensive information about each candidate’s plans and engaging in critical discussions about these.

Encouraging media outlets to cover policy matters more extensively and responsibly could also help shift the focus away from sensationalism and towards substantive debates. By promoting a constructive and informed dialogue, the election’s focus can shift towards meaningful discussions on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the nation. Alas! All this could turn out to be wishful thinking. Polls show former Mr. Trump leading his nearest Republican primary rival, Florida Governor Ron Desantis, by 37 percentage points. With another poll showing that a significantly large number ~ 46 per cent ~ of voters view all legal actions ~ federal and local ~ against Mr Trump as politically motivated, analysts conclude the indictments have only propelled his campaign. That this allegation of political motivation holds water is strengthened by polls showing President Joe Biden stands a better chance of retaining the White House if the face-off is between him and Mr Trump. Polls show the current and former president neck-and-neck in a general election rematch while Mr Desantis would win the White House race if he secures the Republican nomination. While Mr Trump has accused Mr Biden of weaponising justice in a bid to prevent him from running for President, the Democrats appear to be wishing the former President prevails in the Republican primaries given his vulnerability in a general election.

Thus, accusations have been made that the Biden Justice Department is pursuing Mr Trump so that Democrats can keep the election focused on the former President’s legal troubles. On his part, Mr Trump has made it clear he will be looking at every American voter as the real juror in the different cases against him, the latest being his arraignment for allegedly trying to overturn results of the 2020 election. Thus, there is little hope as of now that the campaign’s focus will be on the future. That is unfortunate, given that the challenges America faces both domestically and on the world stage are daunting. Legal matters are subject to judicial procedures, whereas the electoral process is about voters’ choices and opinions. These must be informed.