The morning headlines, breaking news, top headlines, top stories… you have them all on your modern-day platter of smartphone without which you, probably, cannot live a day. The news is overflowing, but it’s never enough. One can’t do without fresh air. So here, we bring you some breather — News from 100 years ago…
Brazil’s declaration of war was only a question of time. For the past two months relations between the Brazilian and German Governments have been broken off, and now one of the naturally richest countries in the world has fallen into line with the other representatives of civilisation, and has set itself in active opposition to the Hun. It is to be noted that Brazil, like the United States, has thrown itself into the war, as the result of the submarine campaign. It can only be a question of time, and probably a very short time, before other neutrals find themselves compelled to participate for the same reason. Brazil’s action ought certainly to have an important influence upon the remaining neutrals of South America, and it will be strange indeed if the Argentine, which was straining at the leash a month ago, and whose citizens could hardly be called off from inflicting personal violence upon Count Luxburg, the German Minister, does not speedily follow the lead now offered to it. Should the Argentine declare war the effect on Spain would be profound, and if anything could rouse that country out of its determined neutrality it would be the unanimous participation of all these Latin republics in the struggle. Brazil can bring immediate assistance to the Allies by lending her navy to help to police the seas. She has two Dreadnoughts, two armoured coast defence vessels, five protected cruisers, two of which are modern vessels of 27 knots speed, and twelve destroyers.
DARJEELING, 27 OCTOBER: Today Lord Ronaldshay laid the foundation-stone of the new Town Hall and Municipal Office between Auckland Road and Mackenzie Road. His Excellency was received by Mr. Swan, Deputy Commissioner and Chairman, the Maharaja of Cooch Behar and Mr. A. Price, Secretary to the Municipality. The Municipal Commissioners were introduced by the Chairman and Mr. Swan read an account of the hall. The Governor then laid the foundation stone with a silver trowel and mallet subscribed for by the municipal commissioners. His Excellency said it gave him much pleasure to be present, to show his sympathy for municipal enterprise and his appreciation of the public-spirited generosity of the Maharaja Cooch Behar who had contributed so liberally towards the construction of the projected hall. His Excellency recognised the peculiar difficulties of Darjeeling municipal administration, but had no doubt they would be overcome by caution, foresight and husbanding of resources by the municipal commissioners.
The Chairman of the local Municipality has brought in the Sub-Divisional Magistrate’s court a charge of defamation against Venkateswara Iyer, a native of Palghat now employed in Poona, for making untrue allegations and using language of an unwarrantably offensive and uncalled-for nature against the administration of this municipality with reference to a notice issued to him under section 183 of the Municipal Act. The facts of the case are that in July last the chairman received a petition from a neighbour of the defendant complaining that a cocoanut tree standing in the defendant’s compound was causing damage to his tiled roof. Notice was therefore, served by the chairman on the defendant for the removal of the nuisance. Defendant in the first week of August wrote a long reply to the chairman, contending that the municipality had no business to interfere in the matter and stating that there were law courts in which the aggrieved party could seek a remedy and compensation if he was so advised. The chairman placed the papers before the council who gave him sanction for the criminal prosecution of Venkateswara Iyer for defamation.
The Press Bureau says that the President of Portugal has sent a message to King George warmly acknowledging the demonstrations on the occasion of his visit to Great Britain. They are a sure proof of the friendship and solidarity of the two nations. The King, in reply, expressed his deep satisfaction at the opportunity of welcoming the Head of a State which is our most ancient Ally; and reciprocated an earnest desire for the continuance of the old sincere friendship between the two peoples.
The British Minister said in an interview that Dutch statistics regarding the transit of sand and gravel were untrustworthy and the stoppage of commercial cables would not cease while the transit continued. The British Government did not contemplate arbitration, which Holland had suggested, and America would not export foodstuffs to Holland while the matter remained unsettled.