Doomed to Fail?

Hunter Biden, son of U.S. President Joe Biden, departs federal court after a plea hearing on two misdemeanor charges of willfully failing to pay income taxes in Wilmington, Delaware, U.S. July 26, 2023. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

As the political landscape in the United States once again erupts into chaos, the looming spectre of an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden’s conduct in his son Hunter’s business dealings has captivated the nation’s attention. This move, led by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, is ostensibly motivated by a series of allegations, spanning from bribery and misconduct.

Yet, a closer examination of the situation reveals that this inquiry is not driven by a genuine pursuit of justice. Instead, it appears to be a calculated political gambit. The procedure for impeachment begins in the House of Representatives, where a simple majority vote can initiate an impeachment trial in the Senate. Conviction and removal from office require a two-thirds majority in the Senate, a steep hill to climb.

With a slim Democrat majority in the Senate, any vote in the upper chamber wouldn’t even cross the halfway mark, leave alone getting two-thirds of the 100 Senators to remove the President. Even in the House, where Republicans have a 10 seat majority, centrist GOP members facing close re-election races in 2024 are wary of pursuing a divisive impeachment process that could further polarise the nation. So, what is the Speaker’s motive in setting this inquiry in motion? The answer lies in the realm of politics rather than justice. Speaker McCarthy, under mounting pressure from right-wing members of his party, has opted for a risky gamble. While announcing the inquiry, he drew parallels with the Nixon administration’s refusal to cooperate with Congress during the Watergate scandal.

This is a calculated attempt to paint the Biden administration as secretive and non-cooperative, borrowing a page from the playbook of past political confrontations. However, the Speaker’s decision may not be enough to quell the demands of his conservative base. Right-wing Congressman Matt Gaetz’s immediate response to the announcement highlights the impatience and expectations of certain factions within the Republican Party. Mr McCarthy’s impeachment inquiry is seen by them as a mere “baby step,” fuelling concerns that it won’t go far enough to satisfy the more ardent voices within the GOP. The allegations against President Biden and his son have been in the public domain for years.

While some have raised eyebrows, no concrete evidence of wrongdoing by the President has emerged. Various investigations have probed Mr Hunter Biden’s business dealings, including claims of preferential treatment using his father’s name, bribery and tax fraud. Yet, none have provided irrefutable evidence against the President. Critics argue that this is merely a continuation of partisan political battles, an attempt to score political points rather than uncover the truth. It is imperative to distinguish between legitimate oversight and politically motivated investigations. As America and the world watch this drama unfold, we must remain vigilant in distinguishing between true accountability and political theatrics, in America and elsewhere.