Like most modern military conflicts the present Indo-Pak flare-up is unlikely to end decisively ~ international pressure and economic realities will kick-in before any determination is possible. More so, when eliminating terrorism is the much-vaunted objective. Alas, even before the guns proverbially fall silent, a loser has become painfully evident ~ an Indian inability to rise above politicking even when its soldiers are risking their lives for the defence of the nation. Short-lived, and only token was the cease-fire called after the suicide bomber did his dirty work at Pulwama. Current events make a nightmare of any recollection of the solidarity displayed in 1962, 1965, 1971, and to an extent during the Kargil war too. It matters little who fired the first foul shot: collectively has the political leadership sullied the uniform. Even worse is the lip-service so shamefully paid to the military/ paramilitary personnel when their corpses are paraded for political advantage ~ true grief and homage has a very personal dimension. Television cameras and VIPs are an ugly intrusion: how many of them care to even inquire of the family’s welfare after the media event concludes?
The BJP leadership probably took the first step when it sought short-cut glory on the valour displayed when the “surgical strikes” were carried out, and so disgusted were Opposition leaders that they began to wonder if the cross-border raids actually took place. Now Mamata Banerjee seems to attach much credence to what Pakistan says about the aerial action at Balakot, demands “proof” ~ perhaps she will get it when Wing Commander Abhinandan comes home. As a politically powerful chief minister she ought to have known better. But she can be excused ~ did the former BJP chief minister of Karnataka not salivate when calculating that the IAF strike would ensure his party would bag 22 Lok Sabha seats from the state a few weeks hence?
The rot breaches all the way to the top of the political ladder. The Prime Minister cracked an unsavoury joke about a “pilot project” after Imran Khan announced a decision to release the Indian fighter pilot in Pakistan’s custody. The Balakot strike also served to divert media attention over the manner in which the National War Memorial was inaugurated. The “shrine” to the fallen soldier was desecrated even before the Eternal Flame was ignited. To continue to list such infamy would be easy, but would serve little purpose since political perception is now limited to what the EVM tots up, and who calls the shots on Raisina Hill. The long-term impact on the defence forces could be devastating. Already military service has ceased to be the preferred career option ~ despite the awards of Pay Commissions, OROP etc. Young men and women enlist to serve the nation, not become political footballs.