How to take care of your hair in Monsoon

( Representational Photo: Getty Images)

Let the beauty of the rains play with your mind, not with the hair! Monsoon is high-on-humidity weather with dirty water all around. And it can be a big reason for your hair fall too. During the monsoons, the hair follicles become sensitive and absorb hydrogen that makes the roots swell and the cuticles dry up making it prone to frizzy, dryness and break out as split ends. To protect your hair from the damage of the season, even the smallest of efforts count.

Taking care of your hair during monsoon doesn’t need to be about the use of a lot of chemicals, the everyday care and love can help you keep up with the crowning glory. Here are some tips and tricks to take care of your hair in Monsoon!

Dance in the rain but wash it away later

Rainwater is extremely dirty and can damage your hair big time especially during the onset of the monsoon. While the season invites for a little play in the rain it is important to stay aware of what it does to your hair. Drenching in the rain can make your scalp sweaty, sticky and hair frizzy.It can become a cause of scalp infection while also making the hair look frizzy and damaged. After you reach home make sure to you give your hair a good wash with a mild shampoo to take off all the dirt. Washing your hair at least thrice a week with a mild shampoo is an absolute essential during monsoons. Use a shampoo that locks in moisture in the hair follicles.

Dry your hair with care

Instead of getting rigorous with hair drying extend some love towards your hair after you are done with washing them. Use a fresh towel to pat dry your hair. The microfiber lets the hair absorb the water while taking off the excess and drying it up quickly. With minimum friction, the hair doesn’t get damaged and hair fall is reduced too.

Use a conditioner

A conditioner is an essential step to lock in moisture into the hair after a good wash. But during monsoons, it becomes an absolute necessity. Make sure you use a hydrant conditioner that deeply conditions the hair, strengthens and protects the hair from any damage. Take a good amount of conditioner in hand and spread through the hair follicles with wide-toothed comb. Let it stay for a few minutes and rinse with cold water.

Do not skip oiling

Oiling is nourishment to the hair and shouldn’t be skipped ever! Use a coconut or olive hair to gently apply on the scalp and hair to give moisture to the hair. Oiling helps prevent the hair from breakage and lends ground from strengthening the hair from the roots. Regular oiling helps keep the hair healthy and shiny. During the monsoons, it is essential to give your hair the nourishment it requires. Oil your hair twice a week to keep it protected from the hazards of the weather.

Follow a healthy diet

What you eat shows on the body. Food like caffeine, fizzy drinks, junk foods, etc cause the body to dehydrate and cause hair fall. Following a protein-rich diet with milk, soya, fruits, green leafy vegetables, and eggs are very essential to hair healthy hair. Skip the junk foods and practice clean eating to keep up with your hair quality during monsoons.

Wear a hat or scarf

Protect from the humidity, sun rays, dirty water, etc from reaching your hair. Always carry a good hat or scarf to cover up when you are traveling outside. Covering up the hair ensures that pollution, dirt or humidity doesn’t reach your hair or make any damages.

Take a hair spa

A hair spa is an extensive hydrating treatment for the hair that rejuvenates, nourishes and adds health to the hair. Depending upon your hair quality go for an at-home hair spa. Adding yogurt, egg whites, avocado, banana, olive oil or even aloe vera to your hair pack can nourish the hair and give you a flawless look. You can also get a spa treatment at a salon!

Don’t let the season be a reason for your damaged hair, take care of your hair to truly enjoy the rains like you want to!

( Inputs given by Dr Manoj Kutteri, Wellness Director, Atmantan Wellness Centre )