Nosebleed known by the medical term epistaxis is a very common problem. Each one of us has faced this at some point or another. This especially happens more in summers. The nose lining contains various tiny blood vessels and is one of the most sensitive parts of the body. When these vessels get ruptured, blood starts flowing from the nostrils.
A bleeding nose can be caused due to various reasons like injury, allergies, respiratory problems, nasal surgery, common cold, and excessive sneezing. It happens in summers because blood capillaries expand due to heat. Standing aggravates bleeding.
The first thing that you should do is lie down on the bed on your back. This prevents blood from flowing down and helps in reducing bleeding. There are many other natural remedies that can solve your problem with ease.
Here are some of the natural remedies:
The fumes of an onion play the role of a blood-clotting agent and can stop your nose from bleeding. Additionally, it contains vitamin C and bio-flavonoids, which strengthen the capillaries, making them less susceptible to bleeding. After cutting an onion into two, gently place one half under your nose and inhale the fumes. Do this for a few minutes.
The cooling and soothing properties of coriander help stop bleeding by balancing the pressure of blood in the vessels. It is also a natural antihistamine and helps ward off allergies that may cause nosebleeds. Using a dropper, apply 2-3 drops either of coriander oil or fresh juice into the inner linings of your nose.
Tulsi is a nerve tonic that can soothe your stressed nerves and blood vessels. Extract the juice of a few tulsi leaves and with the help of a dropper, apply 2 drops in each nostril. You can also chew on a few of the fresh medicinal leaves.
Other preventive measures
* Using a cotton swab, gently wipe the inside of your nostrils with Vitamin E oil several times a day. You can also substitute the oil for petroleum jelly. This method helps keep your nostrils moist
* Include Vitamin C-rich foods in your daily diet, as they help in the formation of collagen, which keeps the inner linings moist
* Include whole-wheat bread and brown rice, as they contain zinc, a nutrient that helps maintain the body’s blood vessels