Rachel McAdams graces magazine cover with breast pumps

Rachel McAdams

(Photo: Instagran/@finefashionfeed)

Hollywood actress Rachel McAdams, who had a son with boyfriend Jamie Linden in April, posed for a fashion magazine, Girls. Girls. Girls, with breast pumps.

The 40-year-old actress was dressed in Versace and Bulgari diamonds when she decided to accessorise her look by adding the breast pumps.

The new mother, who is breastfeeding her child, had to constantly go back to him during the shoot, reveals the photographer Claire Rothstein. That was the inspiration itself behind the photoshoot.

Where breastfeeding in public is heavily criticised, the actress embracing it is a huge shoutout to modern-day women.

Rothstein took to Instagram and shared a photograph of The Notebook actress and heaped her with praises.

“A million reasons why I wanted to post this picture. Obviously #rachelmcadams looks incredible and was quite literally the dream to work with but also this shoot was about 6 months post her giving birth to her son, so between shots she was expressing/pumping as still breastfeeding. We had a mutual appreciation disagreement about who’s idea it was to take this picture but I’m still sure it was hers which makes me love her even more. Breastfeeding is the most normal thing in the world and I can’t for the life of me imagine why or how it is ever frowned upon or scared of. I don’t even think it needs explaining but just wanted to put this out there, as if it even changes one person’s perception of something so natural, so normal, so amazing then that’s great. Besides she’s wearing Versace and bulgariofficial diamonds and is just fucking major. Big shout out to all the girls,” the caption read.


McAdams garnered a bulk of appreciation on social media too. Check out the reactions here.