Patanjali’s Ayurvedic solutions for combatting infertility

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According to reports by WHO, one in every six individuals in their reproductive ages suffers from infertility. Infertility is considered a leading concern among couples trying to conceive a baby. Infertility can happen due to several reasons, including physical ailments; however, what many often overlook are the lifestyle and diet choices of individuals. Although several treatment options are now available, with modern technology paving the way for conceiving a child much easier, Ayurveda also has some herbs and Ayurvedic practices that can improve fertility.

Improve your Shukra Dhatu by incorporating cooling foods.

Shukra dhatu is the seventh dhatu in your body responsible for immunity and fertility. Spicy food can often damage your Shukra dhatu, making it difficult for women to conceive. To balance your Shukra dhatu, it is often advised to incorporate cooling foods that are easy to digest and can aid in reproduction. The cooling effect in your body can help with fertility. For men, Ayurveda advises foods like asparagus and almonds, while for women, foods like pineapple work best.


Ashwagandha is mostly used as a remedy for female fertility. Ashwagandha can help promote better ovarian function by balancing the secretion of different hormones and by reducing inflammation. It also strengthens the uterine walls and helps improve egg quality and overall reproductive health. Incorporate Patanjali Ashwagandha churna into your daily routine and reap the benefits.


Shatavari is a great remedy when it comes to managing hormonal imbalance. It also improves the quality and size of the egg and helps treat and improve conditions like PCOS.

Banyan bark powder.

Banyan is considered one of the most potent ingredients when it comes to treating infertility. Hormones that aid in fertilization stay balanced when you incorporate banyan tree bark powder into your lifestyle habits. While the powdered form is readily available in the market and only needs to be added to water and consumed, it can also be easily made at home.


While Triphala is well known for aiding digestion, it can also help alleviate symptoms of infertility. Triphala aids in uterine detoxification and helps balance hormone secretion as well.

All in all, combine these herbs with lifestyle changes and a proper diet to help treat infertility.