How to maintain good bonding with friends

Friendship (photo:IANSLIFE)

Maintaining good bonding with friends is very important because, in the end, they are the ones with whom you can share your views, thoughts, sadness, happiness and sometimes anger too. Friends are the ones who are always there in your hard times to help you. They are always there to make your day adventurous. The bonding with friends is very special. So today we have gathered some of the best tips for maintaining good relationships with your friends.

Tips to maintain good bonding with friends

1) Create and capitalize on time together.

Of course, it’s nice to have those friendships that don’t require a lot of time or upkeep—especially when the two of you are miles and miles apart or on completely opposite schedules. That being said, however, strong relationships do require staying in touch and spending meaningful time together. So, at the very least, check in with your friend when you can: agree on weekly phone dates; text them here and there to let them know you’re thinking of them; and if possible, schedule some time to simply hang out!

2) Be honest with each other.

Another key to strengthening your friendships is being open and honest with your friends. You need to be able to express how you feel—even those negative feelings like disappointment and discomfort—so as to keep that bond from weakening. If you instead keep those feelings bottled up, you’re likely to foster some ill will towards your friends, and your relationships will suffer. So instead of brushing how you feel under the rug, confront your emotions openly. Then, you can work out the issue together.

3) Show them that you care.

If you hope to create strong, lasting friendships, you should continue to show your friend that you care about them. This doesn’t require you to take drastic measures, but simply find ways to express your love and appreciation for the other person: treat them to pizza on their birthday; tag them in cheesy memes on Facebook, and bluntly tell them that your friendship means the world to you. You might assume that they already know you care for them, but even if they do, it’s always nice to be reminded.

4) Embark on new experiences together.

Friendships are strengthened by meaningful experiences and unforgettable memories. So make the effort to spice up your friendships by embarking on new adventures side-by-side: sign up for an intimidating exercise or cooking class together; plan a trip to a new town or even a new country; or simply switch up your typical weekend outings. This variation will revive your friendships and create an even stronger bond.

5) Provide support and encouragement.

Friendships aren’t all fun and games—they do require you to put in some work, such as when your friend is having a horrible, no-good day. Say they’ve just broken up with their boyfriend or girlfriend or were fired from their job. It’s your job to be there for them and provide them with whatever they need, starting with support and comfort. Additionally, it’s your duty to give them encouragement as needed. Encourage them to do what you know will make them happy, like taking that job or moving to a new city. Whatever the case, make it apparent that you’re rooting for them.