International plastic bag free day: Do these to make the world plastic-free

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If you’ve been trying hard to eliminate plastics from your daily life but struggle with groceries arriving in single-use plastic bags or staples like ‘atta’ and ‘besan’ packaged in plastic pouches, today might be the perfect day to begin. It’s International Plastic Bag Free Day. The hidden problem of plastic use worsens daily as it accumulates in landfills, with people often unaware of the damage caused by plastic bags to the Earth. Plastic bags take nearly 150 years to decompose, releasing harmful toxins into the air, which can lead to adverse environmental conditions. Animals in landfills often ingest plastics, causing toxicity and harm to ecosystems, sometimes leading to death. Here are a few ways you can contribute to making the world plastic-free:

1. Reusable Bags Are the First Step

Your stylish tote bags aren’t just for work or college; whether tote bags or jute bags, reusable bags are versatile and convenient. They’re perfect not only for groceries but also for shopping for clothes and more.

2. Use a Reusable Bottle

With summer making it hard to go without a chilled drink, single-use plastic bottles are everywhere, clogging drains and releasing harmful toxins. Opt for a reusable bottle made of glass or stainless steel, which is environmentally friendly and keeps your water cool.

3. Say No to Plastic Containers

In many Indian homes, we often reuse every bag or container we get, from plastic cookie containers now holding lentils to old ice cream tubs repurposed for storing spices. However, prolonged use of plastic releases toxins harmful to health. Glass or steel containers are durable and eco-friendly alternatives.

4. Bring Your Own Containers When Traveling

When you order more than you can eat at a restaurant and take leftovers home in plastic containers, you contribute to plastic pollution. Carry your own tiffin boxes instead; ask restaurants to pack leftovers directly into your metal containers to reduce plastic waste.

5. Choose Bamboo Toothbrushes

Ever considered where discarded plastic toothbrushes end up? Bamboo toothbrushes are biodegradable and a healthier choice for the environment.

In conclusion, these proactive steps, while simple, can collectively make a significant impact in reducing plastic pollution.