As individuals progress into their later years, joint pain inevitably becomes a part of life. Arthritis can stem from various causes, including joint wear and tear, crystal deposition, inflammation, and autoimmune attacks on the body’s own cells. While medications can alleviate pain and symptoms, dietary choices also play a crucial role. Below, we outline some foods that arthritis patients should steer clear of.
1. Sugary Treats
Indulging in cookies, pastries, and ice cream is a common delight, but for arthritis patients, excessive sugar intake can exacerbate symptoms. Unlike healthy individuals who can manage moderate sugar consumption, arthritis patients should be cautious as high sugar intake may elevate inflammation proteins known as cytokines.
2. Omega-6 Fatty Acids
While moderate Omega-6 consumption poses no harm, an overabundance in your diet can activate inflammatory chemicals in the body. Therefore, it’s advisable to consume omega-6-rich foods like red meats, peanuts, sunflower, and soy oils in moderation to maintain a balanced fatty acid level.
3. Fried Food
Fried food stands out as a major culprit in triggering arthritis symptoms and pain. High levels of saturated fats in fried foods and red meat can escalate the risk of sugar level fluctuations and increased cholesterol levels, leading to joint inflammation. Steering clear of red meat and fried foods is recommended for managing joint pain.
4. Gluten-Incorporated Food
For those sensitive to gluten, its presence in the diet can induce inflammation and joint pain. Studies suggest that adopting a gluten-free diet may help alleviate pain and improve inflammation in arthritis patients.
5. Salty Food
Excessive intake of iodized foods can heighten the risk of synovial inflammation and joint pain. Certain cheeses, processed meats, and sauces are high in salt. Cutting back on these foods and condiments can reduce the risk of cartilage thinning.
6. Alcohol
Excessive alcohol consumption can trigger joint inflammation and compromise the immune system, increasing the risk of autoimmune attacks on the body’s tissues. Limiting alcohol intake can be highly effective in managing arthritis symptoms.
Adopting an anti-inflammatory diet is considered the best approach for arthritis patients. Consult with your medical nutritionist to determine a dietary plan that works for you in keeping arthritis pain and inflammation in check.