Crystalised lotus seeds, a scrumptious way to health

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The pearl-like puffed white lotus seeds are organic and nutritious. Their nutritious and enormous health benefits have made them a popular dry fruit not only in Asia but across the world.

Grown in still water in lakes and ponds, they can be consumed fresh or in dried form. Their high medicinal properties make them superior over almonds, walnuts and cashew nuts when we talk about some nutrients like phenol content, protein, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and ascorbic acid. They have fairly low levels of sugar, cholesterol and saturated fat.

The appropriate beneficial quantity that one must consume every day for a vigorous health is 25 gram.

Being an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory, lotus seeds have medicinal properties with no side effects.

Consume lotus seeds to improve your appetite.

Being light and digestible in nature, diarrhoea patients can have them to cure their glitches without any fear of negative result.

Eating lotus seeds improve the health of kidney and cure frequent urination.

They strengthen the heart and provide cardiac protection.

Having high nutritional value, they are of immense benefit for women during pregnancy and recovering from post pregnancy weaknesses.

Regular and appropriate intake may deal with problems like arthritis, impotency, various sexual conditions, irritation, insomnia and palpitations.

Lotus seed combats premature aging by repairing damaged proteins.

They help in regulating blood pressure.

You may add lotus seeds in your daily food habits in different ways. To make them tastier, roast them with or without adding butter and toss little salt and black pepper powder. This salty snack can be stored in an airtight container for more than a month with all freshness, taste, aroma and crispiness. Make your snacking healthier by substituting chips with lotus seeds. Rush to stock your kitchen with this food. They are available in all grocery stores. Eat it raw or cooked, sweet or salty, soft or crisp. You may add them to yogurt, milk desserts, curry or dry vegetables and many more dishes. They are easy and quick to cook and amazingly delicious to eat.