Ayurvedic guidelines for better sleep

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The human body operates within its own set of parameters, and to navigate through your daily routine and demanding commitments smoothly, adequate rest is imperative. A restorative night’s sleep is essential for revitalizing and energizing your body. Insomnia or poor sleep quality can lead to depression, fatigue, and even compromise your physical well-being.

If you find yourself wide awake at night, tossing and turning, or frequently waking up despite trying modern sleeping medications, Ayurveda offers a solution. Ayurveda focuses on addressing issues at their root, promoting holistic well-being by aligning your mind and body with the environment. Here, we outline some Ayurvedic guidelines for achieving a peaceful night’s sleep consistently.

Prioritize Lunch

Amidst meeting deadlines and attending client calls, lunch often takes a backseat. You may either skip it altogether or opt for quick, convenient options that sacrifice nutritional value. However, such irregular eating habits not only affect your health but also impact your sleep quality. It’s important to recognize the interconnectedness of digestion and sleep.

Issues like acid reflux and cramps can disrupt sleep quality significantly. According to Ayurveda, lunch is the meal that your body can digest most efficiently, as your digestive fire (agni) is at its peak during this time. Conversely, digestive power diminishes in the evening and night. Therefore, prioritize a substantial lunch, allowing for a lighter dinner. This ensures that your body isn’t overburdened with digestion when it should be resting and rejuvenating.

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is crucial, and it’s not just about drinking water. Ayurveda suggests certain herbal concoctions that can promote relaxation and prepare your body for sleep. A warm cup of milk, particularly turmeric milk, aids digestion and muscle relaxation. If milk isn’t to your liking, herbal teas offer soothing alternatives that can calm both mind and body.

Incorporate Yoga into Your Daily Routine

Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of aligning mind and body with the environment for holistic development. Stress and anxiety, whether due to work or personal obligations, are major contributors to poor sleep. Mindful meditation and regular yoga practice can alleviate tension, relax muscles, and promote deep sleep.

In conclusion, achieving restful sleep is attainable by consistently following these Ayurvedic principles.

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