Add these hydrating fruits to your plate this summer

Large variety of fruit choices at a fruit market.

Indian summers can be painful. Being a tropical country, India experiences difficult summers. In most places, it is not only hot but humid too. And as the temperature is rising fast and finally, it’s that time of the year when the scorching sun sucks the water from our bodies and leaves us dry and dehydrated. Though the common advice is to drink lots of water, it can be difficult to drink just “plain” water. This is where hydrating fruits comes to the rescue. Eating hydrating fruit in summer is not just about daily nutrition—it also helps keep your skin glowing! Fruits with high water content have fewer calories, yet make you feel full.

Here is a list of five must-have fruits in this blazing summer sun.

1. Watermelon



With a water content of nearly 92 per cent, watermelon is fat-free, has just 40 calories per cup, and is full of electrolytes, which can prevent heatstroke. It also has high levels of vitamin A (which keeps your skin and hair moisturized) and vitamin C (which promotes collagen growth for healthier skin and hair.)

2. Strawberries



Packed with high levels of antioxidants, this fat-free fruit contains over 90 per cent water. Rich in vitamin C, which is also an immunity booster, strawberries can provide more vitamins than popular citrus fruits like oranges. The best part is that one cup of this wonder fruit is just 50 calories.

3. Grapefruit



A favourite of fitness enthusiasts, grapefruit contains 91 per cent water and has just 42 calories per 100 grams. It is an excellent source of vitamin C and helps promote clear, healthy skin. It is also believed that grapefruit can help the body burn fat more quickly.

4. Cantaloupe



This melon contains 90 per cent water and is a rich source of vitamin A. One-quarter of this super fruit contains just 50 calories. It is also a moderate source of electrolytes and potassium, making cantaloupe an excellent source of dehydration prevention.

5. Peaches



This “Silk Route” fruit contains 88 per cent water and is an excellent fat-free snack. A 100-gram peach contains just 39 calories, and it is also a good source of vitamins A and C.

Next time your hand reaches out to get those chilled, sugar-infused bottled drinks on a hot summer day, remember these lighter, healthier wonder fruits!

6. Mango



There are so many people out there who love summers just because of mangoes. Mangoes, though high in calories, are a rich source of nutrients. There are reasons why mangoes are known as the ‘king of fruits. This fruit is enriched with fibre and has as many as 20 minerals and vitamins. Fibre helps with digestion and helps keep you full. Mangoes are rich in Vitamin A and C, and also potassium. Also, zeaxanthin, a pigment present in mangoes, protects the eyes by filtering out harmful blue rays.

7. Guava



Guava is another summer fruit that you can include in your weight-loss diet. Many people do not like guava as they are stiff and come with seeds. If you are one among them, know that there are ample reasons to love this fruit.