Tatiana Cutelli tells that being a skincare guru means much more than teaching to be beautiful

Every success story has as its fundamental secret ingredient, that particular kind of motivation that comes from life-changing events. For Tatiana Cutelli, Face Coach and Skincare Guru with over 20 years of experience, is precisely that motivation to drive her career as a skin expert and her mission to make every woman aware of her own type of skin and the right skincare to take care of it.

The story behind Tatiana’s path and her motivation is truly the symbol of how even the most difficult events can become a precious opportunity for growth.

Behind the mission of Tatiana Cutelli

When it comes to skincare and skin beauty, it’s easy to assume that behind the success of Skin Gurus and Face Coaches like Tatiana Cutelli there’s a simple professional motivation towards the beauty industry. Although this is certainly one of the fundamental reasons that pushed her to pursue a career as a skin expert, the story of Tatiana Cutelli reveals much more than that.

At the tender age of five, in fact, Tatiana had an accident in the kitchen and burned her face with hot cooking oil. The immediate help of doctors day after day allowed her to return to an optimal condition, both in terms of health and of physical appearance, but Tatiana’s skin became really sensitive since then, changing the way she looked at herself.

During the years, what happened to her skin and the way she coped with that helped her better understand the importance of consistent and effective skincare, and also how we can all benefit from embracing our own peculiarities and learning how to take care of them with utmost respect and right techniques.

Following that painful and traumatic event, Tatiana Cutelli decided to undertake a professional path motivated by a unique mission, to enhance skills and awareness around the world of skincare, both by training professionals of the future, that by providing her customers with an approach aimed not only at offering high-quality services but at sharing the knowledge necessary to build effective skincare based on the unique peculiarities of each woman. That of Tatiana is not only a job but a path that involves her whole life and her professional career.

What does it really mean to be a skincare guru?

Tatiana’s story helps us better understand the motivations that drove her to become one of the most acclaimed skin gurus, with a selection of clients that includes national and international celebrities and influencers, and an exclusive offering of skincare classes to increase the knowledge of both professionals and amateurs.

Today Tatiana offers highly specialized services based on her twenty-year skills and on the awareness that behind the world of skincare there is much more than the simple need for aesthetic beauty, but also a deep need to learn about oneself and become able to take care of one’s body throughout life. As Tatiana teaches us, being a skincare guru means much more than teaching to be beautiful, but to embrace every aspect of who we are.