Neeru Bajwa & Gurnam Bhullar’s upcoming movie Kokka is ready to roll in theaters on 20th May, Being the most anticipated Punjabi movie for 2022, a week ago Kokka’s trailer was trending on Youtube and now fans are breathlessly waiting for the release date to see the duo’s chemistry for the first time.
Kokka’s trailer launch created a great buzz among fans, in fact, ever since the film was announced, the title ‘Kokka’ has been an engaging discussion among film enthusiasts. Despite the fact that the film was announced two years ago, filmmakers took little extra time to pack up the production amidst the chaos of the year-long lockdown.
As the release date is drawing near, film producer and Instagram aficionado Nitin Talwar keeps his followers always wired with the latest updates. While sharing the poster of ‘Haala’ third song from the album ‘Kokka’, he teased fans that another banger is on the way. As earlier released video songs ‘Tu Te Mai’ and ‘Darling’ became an instant hit among everyone, the poster of ‘Haala’ depicts Neeru & Gurnam in an ethnic avatar spreading sweet marriage vibes altogether.
After a prolonged hiatus on some of his major projects keeping view with covid situations in the country and overseas last year, producer Nitin Talwar keeps high expectations from the upcoming film. He says, “The film is significant for all of us. We confidently know that we have made a blockbuster that will bring the audience back to theaters. I am sure Neeru & Gurnam’s chemistry will win million of hearts, and the film will rule the charts. ”
The film ‘Kokka’ is directed by Santosh Subhash Thite and Bhanu Thakur, film story is penned by Rupinder Inderjit, while music is given by Raj Ranjodh, V Rakx Music, Sandeep Saxena, and Sync.