Millionaire entrepreneur Badr El Battahi is prime example of achieving success by going beyond boundaries

Embarking on a journey of entrepreneurship has its own pros and cons. Believe it or not, very few people risk it to start something of their own. Playing safe in the comfort zone with a secured job and benefits are what people settle for.

However, Badr El Battahi, a Moroccan entrepreneur, brought out the best creativity in him by trying his hands in doing different things. Born on August 1 1992, in Casablanca, Morocco, he started investing in multiple businesses at a very young age.

Currently based in Dubai, the influencer-cum-entrepreneur has mastered himself by self-learning the entrepreneurial concepts. Before moving to Abu Dhabi in 2011, Badr attended Harvard University where he earned a degree in Computer Science. After studies, the young talented mind spent his time in social media marketing and decided to begin his entrepreneurial journey by specializing in the field.

With having launched multiple businesses, he became one of the youngest millionaires by launching several startups. In 2015, Badr launched ‘SociWork’, a social media agency helping aspiring models, influencers and singers boosting their digital presence. The social media agency was a remarkable success and gave him the recognition as one of the most successful social media marketers.

Later in 2018, the entrepreneur launched yet another brand named ‘Richsneaker’, a premium collection of rare and authentic sneakers. The business of sneakers was another achievement in his kitty which helped him garner more than 1 million sales. Besides this, he also holds expertise in developing mobile apps for android and iOS devices.

In the current situation of lockdown due to COVID-19, Badr El Battahi is working towards introducing new business ventures focusing on social shopping, artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain.

While speaking about his success, the entrepreneur said, “The start was the hardest. I knew what I wanted to do but lacked resources. When my ‘why’ and ‘how’ got cleared, I walked on the path without looking back. Dream endlessly and make it a reality. The most important thing I have learned is to stay grounded and give it back to society.”

By taking risks and having faith in his abilities, millionaire Badr El Battahi is a prime example of going beyond the boundaries of the comfort zone.