Marketer and advertiser Ekalavya Hansaj got noticed in 2020

In 2020, Ekalavya Hansaj was finally acknowledged as a competent and skilled marketer and advertiser.

Ekalavya Hansaj has many fellow marketers, advertisers, employees, his friends and family, mentors and peers, including his bêtes Noire and cyberbullies around. On November 30, he got emotional during his annual festivities speech at his global powerhouse firm Quarterly Global.

It was a moment of exceptionally rare breakdown and vulnerability from the tough-as-hammer advertiser.

He currently owns over 125 media and content brands and with lots of viewership and readership annually. He says, “Million dollars in revenue, at the start of every year, I make.”

He surprisingly admits, “I’m not excited about these million dollars in revenue each month until I get there. I decided to go in and wing it like the eagle every day of my life. It feels like, ‘Oh, maybe I should have planned or made a note or written down what next to do.

“Once I got to million dollars in revenue each month, I get calls and attend sessions with elders in my family to congratulate me and I always tell them, ‘I’m nervous and excited, but I’m never crazy!’ They then ask me to just let it be and get it further and assure it’ll be cool.”

Ekalavya Hansaj further adds, “So I have figured it out. I always take a piece of paper and say to myself, ‘I know what I’m going to do tomorrow.’ and I fold up that piece of paper, and put it in my diary and say to myself, ‘If I start feeling like I don’t know what to do or how to outperform the next campaign for my clients, I’m going to be honest and upfront and ask for more time.”

Like so many strategic gambles he’s taken throughout his career, this paid off in spades. So what else is new? To him, there’s nothing worse than indifference.

“Love me or hate me, care enough to feel some sort of way,” he declares. “If there’s no feeling at all, I’m not serving you.”