The UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said on Tuesday that events like ‘Yuva Kumbh’ exemplify the nation’s and state’s profound respect and admiration for the revered Atal Bihari Vajpayee. He credited public representatives for creating platforms that ensure Atalji’s legacy remains alive through collective efforts.
He further stated that ‘Yuva Kumbh’ serves to refresh the cherished memories associated with the Kumbh, a significant event rooted in the tradition of Sanatan Dharma in India. He made these remarks while inaugurating the ‘Atal Yuva Maha Kumbh’ at KD Singh Babu Stadium along with Defence Minister and Lucknow MP Rajnath Singh. The event, held on the occasion of the birth centenary of ‘Bharat Ratna’ Atal Bihari Vajpayee, was themed ‘Kadam se Kadam Milakar Chalna Hoga.’
Both leaders interacted with the children, distributing them chocolates. They also honoured the children who participated in the essay and speech competitions.
Yogi emphasized that the Kumbh represents India’s identity, embodying the fusion of Sanatan wisdom and spiritual energy. He noted that the spirit of the grand Kumbh Mela, scheduled to take place in Prayagraj from January 13 to February 26, is being reflected here today. He also recited Atalji’s poem, ‘Kadam Milakar Chalna Hoga’, and noted that the ‘Yuva Kumbh’ has brought back cherished memories of India’s former prime minister.
He shared that he had contacted the organizers in the morning to confirm if the event would proceed and was assured it would be a grand celebration, embodying the spirit and energy of youth. Despite the weather conditions, the children participated wholeheartedly, honoring Atalji’s memories with great enthusiasm.