Following the CBI’s claim that a 16-year-old student killed a Class 2 student in a district school, Gurugram Police Commissioner Sandeep Khirwar said the CBI was doing its duty and Haryana Police will cooperate with the agency.
Asked about police officials who allegedly forced Ryan International School’s bus conductor Ashok Kumar to admit to the killing of Pradyuman on September 8, he said the matter will have to be considered.
CBI sources said many police officials, schoolteachers and students were under the agency scanner in the case.
Pradyuman Thakur, aged seven, was found murdered on the Ryan International School campus in Bhondsi area in Gurugram, following which a school bus conductor was arrested.
The CBI took over the case on September 22 from Haryana Police, nearly two weeks after the boy was found dead.