Vice prez Dhankhar praises The Statesman interview with FICCI-FLO chief

VP Dhankhar during his interaction with members of the FICCI FLO Chennai Chapter at the Vice-President’s Enclave on Thursday, July 11, 2024. (Photo: Jagdeep Dhankhar/X)

Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Thursday mentioned the elaborate interview of FICCI-FLO president Joyshree Das Verma carried by The Statesman during his interaction with members of the FICCI FLO Chennai Chapter at the Vice-President’s Enclave.

He said, “This morning, I was pleasantly surprised. What a coincidence. The Statesman published from West Bengal, a state where I had been Governor for three years, carried a big interview of FLO chairperson Joyshree Das Verma. A very detailed interview, extensive. It was absolutely soothing to note. And meeting you on this occasion with this background is important.”

Mr Dhankhar said the FICCI-FLO was over 40 years old and in this period the status of women had undergone a sea change in the country.

He said “Congratulations, you are 40 plus. Am I right? Having started in 1983. The world is increasingly being dominated by your gender. Bharat Nari Shakti has been nurtured and it is blossoming our democracy now.”

The Vice President said “It was a historic occasion. In September 2023, when Parliament passed the Women’s Reservation Bill, that was on the table for three decades. For one reason or the other, it could not get through. It finally got through. One third reservation in Parliament and state legislatures.  And that reservation is horizontal and vertical. So it will have societal representation of all segments of society. What an achievement.”