Vadodara City Police uses Priya Varrier’s wink to caution traffic violators

Vadodra City Police road safety campaign illustration. (Photo: Twitter/@Vadcitypolice)

Following the footsteps of Mumbai Police, now Vadodara City Police has begun using popular culture references to spread awareness and their campaigns.

Recently, the police utilised Priya Prakash Varrier’s famous wink for their campaign. In their illustration, the police wrote, “’Drive carefully, without distraction’ while adding ‘accidents happen in the wink of an eye #TrafficEkSanskar’.”

The 18-year-old actor Priya Prakash Varrier has worked in Malyalam film Oru Adaar and became famous with a performance in a song from the film.

The song got nationwide attention as it showcases a love story in a school, where Priya is seen having an instant connection with her crush. But more than the song, it was Priya’s famous wink that became a sensation in India.

With just a small glimpse from the song, which was shared on the internet, Priya has gained a huge fan base mainly from the boys, who can’t help but to admire the adorable interaction between Priya and her reel boyfriend in the song.

With its refreshing take on tweets, Vadodara City Police encourages participation, along with information, and is not new to use of illustrations and popular cultural references to promote their campaigns. Here’s a look at their tweets:

While the act of taking a selfie in itself isn’t harmful, taking a selfie in a dangerous location is. So, be careful. #StrongerTogether.