Opposition members of the Samajwadi Party created pandemonium in the Uttar Pradesh Assembly on Thursday over Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s statement on Dr B R Ambedkar in the Parliament forcing the Speaker Satish Mahana to adjourn the house sine die, one day before schedule.
As the House assembled for the day, the SP members raising slogans and demanding apology from the Union Home Minister, came in the well. Speaker tried to pacify them but his plea went unheard. SP members had reached the assembly carrying the photo of Dr. Ambedkar and raised slogans like ‘Hindustan will not tolerate this insult of Baba Saheb,” and ,” Jai Bhim”.There was a lot of uproar during the proceedings of the House and thd Speaker completed the agenda amid noisy scene created by the SP members.
Leader of Opposition in the Assembly, Mata Prasad Pandey said that in a democracy everyone has right to protest and express their views, but this government is running in a dictatorial manner.
The House was scheduled to take up discussion on Mahakumbh and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath was to speak on it. But it could not happen and only BJP MLA from Prayagraj Sidharth Nath Singh invited all legislators to the Mahakumbh. Later the Speaker adjourned the house sine die. The winter session of the UP Assembly, which commenced on Monday last was scheduled to end tomorrow. During the session the House approved the second supplementary budget to the tune of over Rs 17,000 crores.