Tension prevailed in the Mandsaur city of Madhya Pradesh on Monday following the allegation of a man that he was injured due to stone pelting and the use of sticks during an Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi procession.
Several shopkeepers downed their shutters fearing a flare up in the town.
However, police officials said the situation was under control and peaceful.
According to Mandsaur SP Abhishek Anand, the man visited the Kotwali police station with the complaint that he sustained injuries from stone pelting and sticks.
The SP said the police were looking into the matter.
According to reports, BJP spokesperson and former MLA Yashpal Singh Sisodia claimed that the stone pelting led to a stampede during the procession of Muslims near Nehru Bus Stand due to which the situation became tense.