Congress MP from Tamil Nadu’s Karur Jothimani on Saturday alleged that Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) state chief K Annamalai collected about Rs 1.75 crores on the pretext of ‘padayatra’.
Jothimani further claimed to have video proof to prove her allegations against Annamalai.
“Annamalai collects crores of money in the name of ‘padayatra’. Every day the ‘padayatra’ takes place for just 5 kms and for that, he collects money. Even a former AIADMK Minister mentioned it. I publicly accuse TN BJP President Annamalai of being involved in the MSME fraud and he has looted money,” Jothimani said.
She further said, “Annamalai is using this ‘padayatra’ only for collecting money and to threaten people to get money from them. Congress also organised a ‘padayatra’ and did not take even a single penny from anyone. I will release the video proof soon to the public.”
The six-month-long padayatra ‘En Mann, En Makkal’ (My Land, My People)’ led by Annamalai was launched by Union Home Minister Amit Shah in the state’s pilgrim town Rameswaram on July 28 this year.
The Yatra, which is being conducted in the run-up to the 2024 Lok Sabha election, seeks a decisive mandate to install party leader Narendra Modi as Prime Minister for a third term.
The ‘padayatra’ aims to cover all 234 assembly constituencies across the state. The yatra which is on the third phase now is scheduled to conclude on January 11 next year ahead of the Lok Sabha polls. The Yatra aims to cover 1068 Km on foot and the rest of the area by vehicle, Annamalai had said during the launch of the Yatra.