Days after Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader and a member of the National Commission for Women Khushbu Sundar narrated her childhood ordeal about being sexually assaulted by her father, Delhi Commissioner of Women (DCW) chief Swati Maliwal on Saturday said she was also abused by her father during her childhood.
Speaking to the media after the DCW International Women’s Day Awards ceremony, Maliwal opened up about her own trauma with an account of sexual exploitation she received from her father.
“My own father used to abuse me physically and exploit me. He would beat me a lot. I would be extremely afraid of him and would hide under the bed whenever he returned home,” confessed Maliwal.
She also revealed that her father would grab her ponytail and push her head against the wall, leaving it bruised and bloodied.
Disclosing her father’s heinous acts, she said she drew courage from the abuse she received to fight for women and stand up for all who suffered such misdeeds.
“I would plan all night as to how I could fight for women against the tyranny of such men and teach them a befitting lesson. I believe that when a person undergoes extreme pain and suffering only then they are able to actually understand the pain of others and that’s what triggered me to fight for women,” she added.
Lauding the awardees, she stated that they are an inspiration to many for overcoming their past trauma and leading a positive Life.
“Each of our awardees tonight has shown us how to overcome struggles and live positively through our lives. I was overwhelmed emotionally by the stories behind our award winners today. The stories that they presented our powerful stories and all of them have struggled a lot,” Maliwal expressed.
Earlier, NCW member Khushbu Sundar confessed of getting sexually abused by her father and said that she wants women to take control over their lives and call out their assaulters.