The Supreme Court on Monday said that the social media post, being circulated using a photo of the Chief Justice D Y Chandrachud and quoting him is “false, ill-intended and mischievous”.
A statement issued by the apex court said that law enforcement authorities will take appropriate action in this regard.
A post on social media is being circulated where Chief Justice Chandrachud is quoted urging the public to protest against authorities.
A press note issued by the top court said no such post has been issued by the Chief Justice Chandrachud nor has he authorised any such post.
“It has come to the notice of the Supreme Court of India that a social media post (invoking the public to protest against authorities) using a file photograph and falsely quoting the Chief Justice India is being circulated. The post is fake, ill-intended and mischievous. No such post has been issued by the Chief Justice of India nor has he authorised any such post,” the release stated.
It said appropriate action is being taken about it in consultation with the law enforcement authorities.