Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, on Wednesday, met the family of the 20-year-old girl, who died after being hit by a car in the Khanjawala area of the National Capital and then dragged for a few kilometres on the road.
Condoling the demise of their daughter, Sisodia assured the family that the Delhi government is standing with them in their hour of need and will leave no stone unturned to get justice for their daughter.
The AAP leader also assured the family that the Delhi government will provide job to a member of the family of the victim.
He said this is not an accident, but a brutality that has left the entire nation in a state of shock.
Sisodia said the Delhi government will ensure strictest punishment for all the culprits involved in this incident and will get justice for the victim.
He further added that the victim’s mother is currently facing health issues and needs dialysis regularly. The Delhi government will get her complete treatment done and address the immediate needs of the family.
After meeting the family of the victim, Sisodia interacted with the media and said the victim was the sole earning member of her family. He said to support the family of the victim, the Delhi government will provide an assistance of Rs 10 lakh.
Sisodia said papers have also been procured for giving employment to a member of the family.