The Maharashtra police on Tuesday said it has “strong” evidence against the arrested accused in the Saif Ali Khan stabbing case, even as it stated that a facial recognition test would be conducted to match the identity of the accused in police custody with the one captured in the CCTV footage recovered from the actor’s residential complex.
At a press conference held here after reports suggested that fingerprints found at the actor’s home did not match those of the arrested accused, the Mumbai police claimed that the fingerprint analysis is still on and no such conclusions have been reached yet.
“Let me clear the confusion regarding the fingerprints. No fingerprint report has come yet, but I can say that we have enough evidence against the person arrested,” Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Dixit Gedam claimed.
Additional Commissioner of Police Paramjit Singh Dahiya and DCP Dixit Gedam claimed that the investigation is going in the right direction.
“Regarding the claim of the accused’s father, we cannot speak about this. But I will say this much, the accused who has been arrested and there is ample evidence against him,’ the DCP said.
After he was asked about other accused involved in the Saif Ali Khan stabbing case, Dixit Gedam said that there are no other accused, but the ones who came in contact with him, are being questioned.
Additional CP Paramjit Singh Dahiya and DCP Dixit Gedam said that Saif Ali Khan had reached the hospital at 2:40 on January 16 as recorded on CCTV. They said that the family or Saif did not inform the police first, but Lilavati Hospital did.
Saif was admitted to Mumbai’s Lilavati hospital where he underwent multiple surgeries and was discharged on January 22 after being admitted there for six days.