The opposition Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) on Monday lashed out at Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann for allegedly failing to release 62.5 percent of the amount meant for Post Matric Scholarship (PMS) scheme for SC students, even as the party said only Rs 92 crore out of total Rs 245 crore has been released till date.
In a statement released here, senior SAD leader and former education minister Daljit Singh Cheema said the AAP-led state government has admitted in its full page advertisements issued in different news papers on Monday that so for in the year 2024-25, it has released only 37.5 per cent of the Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for SC students, and has failed to release remaining 62.5 percent amount under the scheme.
He said that it is very clear from the figures published in the advertisements that out of the total Rs 245 cr allocated for 2024-25, only Rs 92 crore has been released. He said that with this dismal performance the state government should have tendered an unconditional apology to SC students that even after a lapse of nine months it could release only 37.5 per cent. But instead it is issuing full page advertisements.
He further said that if you have so much money for advertising, it would be better to release 100 per cent of money earmarked for the year. He also said that in addition, there is no clear mention of dates of release of the amount pending from 2016-2020.
He said that through fake and bogus advertisements, this AAP government is trying to mislead Punjabis particularly SC community who are at the receiving end ever since this government has taken over the state.
Dr Cheema urged Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann to stop taking orders from Delhi and instead start working for welfare of Punjab and Punjabis as they have given him mandate to run Punjab and not to Arvind Kejriwal who is bleeding Punjab of its resources. He said that history will never forgive him.