Telangana Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy on Friday met Vivian Balakrishnan, the minister for foreign affairs of Singapore as he began his three-day tour of the city-state. The chief minister was leading a delegation from Telangana en route to Davos to participate in the World Economic Forum in Singapore till 19 January seeking investments for the state.
According to a statement from his office, “The chief minister focused on forging broad, long-term partnerships covering infrastructure development, energy, sustainable green energy initiatives, water management, river rejuvenation, tourism, education and skill development, IT Parks, and more.”
Reddy said “We began our two-nations tour in Singapore with very engaging, fruitful and wide-ranging discussions with the amazingly insightful Indophile Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, foreign affairs minister, the government of Singapore. Balakrishnan wrote, “We discussed ways to strengthen our economic ties, including in the green economy and urban development.”
The chief minister accompanied by industry minister D Sridhar Babu visited the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) College Central and an MoU was signed for a partnership in skill development between the institute and the newly set up Young India Skills University in Telangana.
A team from ITE will soon visit Hyderabad. According to industry minister Sridhar Babu the MoU will help in equipping 10th pass students with job-ready skills.
Reddy along with Sridhar Babu and other officials in the delegation will leave for Davos in Switzerland from Singapore to participate in the WEF meeting between 20 January and 22 January.