Ahead of the consecration ceremony set for January 22, under the guidance of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, preparations are underway for December 30 when Prime Minister Narendra Modi will gift projects worth over Rs 1000 crore to Ayodhya.
Ayodhya, which has endured a lack of development for years, is now eagerly awaiting the sacred date to witness this new phase of development. Temples and ashrams have also made special preparations to welcome PM Modi.
Residents of Ayodhya and the surrounding districts are enthusiastic about welcoming Prime Minister Modi on his visit on December 30. People from nearby districts are also expected to join in extending a warm welcome to the PM.
Surendra from Tarabganj, Gonda, said the duo of PM Modi and CM Yogi, has restored Ayodhya to its glory. Under their leadership, Ayodhya has not only regained its spiritual and majestic essence but also witnessed substantial developmental initiatives. Ayodhya will also receive the gift of developmental projects. ‘’Therefore, we are all eagerly looking forward to welcoming them,’’ he said.
In anticipation of Prime Minister Modi’s proposed roadshow, prominent ‘maths’ and temples in Ayodhya have also made special preparations. Ayodhya’s chief sant Rajkumar Das mentioned that sants and priests will shower flowers on PM Modi. Roses and marigold flowers are also being brought from nearby districts for the purpose. Along the proposed route of the roadshow, special arrangements for flowers are being made to decorate the homes.
Children here are also excited and are making all sorts of preparations to welcome PM Modi .