Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi on Thursday took a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi over a report that market watchdog Sebi had imposed penalties on several entities, including Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani’s family, for “manipulative trade”, while the party demanded that Rupani must resign.
“Na khaunga na khane dunga ki kahani. Shah-zada, Shaurya aur ab Vijay Rupani (Another story of ‘will not do corruption myself, nor allow others’),” Gandhi tweeted.
The Congress demanded that either the Gujarat Chief Minister must resign or Modi should break his “silence” and dismiss him over the allegations after the Sebi charged 22 entities, including Rupani’s Hindu Undivided Family (HUF), with “manipulative trades” in a little known company Sarang Chemicals.
“‘Zero tolerance for corruption’ has become ‘zero tolerance for honesty’. India has witnessed a series of scams, scandals and skullduggery involving sons, daughters and a number of BJP leaders. PM Modi, is however on a ‘Maun Vrat’ (silent).
“The latest in this series is the brazen malpractice and fraud indulged by Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani’s HUF,” said Congress spokesperson Akhilesh Pratap Singh, adding that the Sebi found Rupani’s family entity guilty of malpractices and artificial trading.
The party demanded that Rupani should resign immediately.
“An investigation should be undertaken about the dubious dealings of Rupani HUF with Sarang Chemicals Ltd. including the reasons and considerations for artificially manipulating the trade volume and consequent price of shares of the company,” said Singh.
He sought a probe into whether any insider trading took place and whether any benefits, monetary or otherwise, were exchanged, the connection of Rupani-owned sharetrading firm Rasiklal & Sons with Sarang Chemicals Ltd and if any other entities also need to be investigated.
Singh also said it was time for Modi to break his silence on corruption and face accountability.
He also claimed India is witnessing a new ‘Baap-Beta/Beti’ culture of favouritism, wrongdoing and malpractices, citing the cases of BJP President Amit Shah and his son Jay Shah, National Security Adviser Ajit Doval and his son Shaurya Doval, Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje and her son Dushyant Singh, Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh and his son Abhishek Singh, former Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal and his son Anurag Thakur and former Gujarat Chief Minister Anandiben Patel and her daughter Anar Patel.