The Government of India on Thursday announced the Prime Minister’s Shram Awards (PMSA) for the year 2018. These awards are to be awarded to 69 workers employed in the Departmental Undertakings & Public Sector Undertakings of the Central and State Governments and Private Sector Units employing 500 or more workers in recognition of their distinguished performance, innovative abilities, outstanding contribution in the field of productivity and exhibition of exceptional courage and presence of mind.
This year the Prime Minister’s Shram Awards are given in three categories, namely Shram Bhushan Awards which carry a cash prize of Rs1,00,000 each, Shram Vir/Shram Veerangana Awards which carry a cash prize of Rs 60,000 each and Shram Shree/Shram Devi Awards which carry a cash prize of Rs 40,000 each.
For the year 2018, four (4) nominations for the Shram Bhushan Awards, twelve (12) nominations for Shram Vir/Shram Veerangana awards and seventeen (17) nominations for Shram Shree/Shram Devi Awards have been selected.
While the total number of Shram Awards conferred this year is thirty-three (33), the number of workers receiving the Awards is sixty-nine (69) as some of the awards have been shared by workers and/or teams of workers consisting of more than one worker.
Out of the total awardees, forty-nine (49) workers are from the public sector while twenty (20) workers are from the private sector. The awardees include eight (8) women workers.