Mansukh Mandaviya, Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare, on Thursday interacted with State Health Ministers and Principal Secretaries/ Additional Chief Secretaries of all States/UTs in the presence of Dr. Bharati Pravin Pawar, Union Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare, to review the progress made in the fight against TB through focussed and concerted efforts of the Union Government and the States.
The Union Health Minister expressed his elation at the convergence of focus to eliminate TB and suggested the continuance of regular interaction so that best practices of States/UTs may be discussed and taken up for emulation. These will strongly contribute to focussed and effective implementation of common policies and to achieve these goals collectively.
“Coordinated and collaborative efforts will strongly contribute to achievement of shared goals faster,” the Union Health Minister stated.
He noted, “We have to encourage common people to join us in this mission for eradicating TB. It has to be made a people’s initiative.”
Mandaviya assured that the Union government is open to all suggestions from the States/UTs on Tuberculosis in its mission to fulfil Prime Minister’s dream of a TB Free India by 2025. He also encouraged the States and UTs to provide suggestions on the Public Health Management of COVID and other programs and initiatives of the Union Health Ministry.
On the threat to the gains made against TB due to COVID-19, he spoke on the ramping up of COVID Vaccination in the recent days. Mandaviya highlighted the importance of vaccinating all teachers by the 5th of September for which additional doses are being provided to the States.
He encouraged states to ensure that COVID protocols are continued to be followed and no laxity in shown due to improved situation in the country.