Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday interacted with NCC Cadets, NSS Volunteers, Tribal guests and Tableaux Artists, who would be a part of the upcoming Republic Day parade at his residence at Lok Kalyan Marg.
The interaction was followed by vibrant cultural performances showcasing the rich culture and diversity of India.
In a departure from the past, the Prime Minister interacted with the participants in an innovative manner. He engaged in an informal, freewheeling one-on-one interaction with the participants.
Modi emphasised the importance of national unity and diversity, urging all participants to interact with people from different states to strengthen the spirit of ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat’. He highlighted how such interactions foster understanding and unity, which are vital for the nation’s progress.
The Prime Minister emphasised that fulfilling duties as responsible citizens is the key to achieving the vision of ‘Viksit Bharat’.
He urged everyone to remain united and committed to strengthening the nation through collective efforts. He encouraged youth to register on the My Bharat Portal and actively engage in activities that contribute to nation-building.
He also spoke about the significance of adopting good habits such as discipline, punctuality, and waking up early and encouraged diary writing.
During the conversation, the Prime Minister discussed some key initiatives of the government which are helping make the life of people better.
He highlighted the government’s commitment to empowering women through initiatives aimed at creating 3 crore “Lakhpati Didis.” A participant shared the story of his mother who benefited from the scheme, enabling her products to be exported.
Modi also spoke about how India’s affordable data rates have transformed connectivity and powered Digital India, helping people stay connected and enhancing opportunities.
Discussing the importance of cleanliness, the Prime Minister said if 140 crore Indians resolve to maintain cleanliness, India will always remain ‘Swachh’. He also spoke about the significance of the ‘Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam’ initiative, urging everyone to plant trees dedicating them to their mothers.
He discussed the Fit India Movement, and asked everyone to take out time to do Yoga and focus on fitness and well-being, which is essential for a stronger and healthier nation.
Modi also interacted with foreign participants. These participants expressed joy in attending the programme, praised India’s hospitality and shared positive experiences of their visits.