Opposition walkout in Kerala Assembly over toll on KIIFB-funded roads

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The Congress-led Opposition UDF staged a walkout in the Kerala Assembly on Monday in protest against a proposal to impose toll on  roads built with the funds from the Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund Board (KIIFB) and the slow pace of various infrastructure projects being executed by the agency.

The Opposition demanded a discussion on the matter through an adjournment motion by Congress member Roji M John saying after LDFs’ ambitious projects such as K-Rail and K-Fon, it’s now time for “K-Toll”, thanks to the KIIFB. “Till date, the KIIFB has completed projects worth only Rs 18,000 crore after the government gave the agency Rs 20,000 crore from the state exchequer. What alternative economic model is this,” Roji asked.

Replying to the notice for the adjournment motion, Finance Minister K N Balagopal said that the KIIFB has not decided to collect toll from roads and that there is no need to instill panic in the public. “There is no need to raise concern among people by referring to toll,” Balagopal said.

The finance minister pointed out that the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) collects tolls for its projects and implement the same within the state as well. This statement is being seen as an indication that the government intends to collect toll on the KIIFB roads.

The finance minister said more revenue-generating projects would be implemented through the KIIFB.

Leader of the Opposition in the house VD Satheesan alleged that the government is trying to impose a triple tax on the common man. “The government has already collected a share from motor vehicle tax and also imposed fuel cess. Now, if you impose a toll, then there will be triple taxation,” he said.

Satheesan criticized the government for cutting its plan funds by up to 50% to repay KIIFB loans. He warned that the state would be in a debt trap if the government did not consider the matter seriously.

Following the reply of the finance minister, Speaker A N Shamseer denied permission for adjournment motion and hence the Oppositionwalkout in the Assembly.