The Northern Railway has earned Rs. 402.5 crores through the sale of scrap, said Ashutosh Gangal, General Manager, Northern Railway today.
Informing about the same, Gangal said Northern Railway has achieved a record sale of scrap and thereby generated revenue worth Rs.402.51 crores.
“This is an increase of 93.40% over the sale of Rs.208.12 crores achieved during the corresponding period of last financial year,” he said.
Northern Railway has, thus, achieved the distinction of becoming the first Railway among all Zonal Railways and Production Units to cross the Scrap Sale figure of Rs. 200 crores in September 2021, Rs. 300 crores in October 2021 and Rs. 400 crores in December 2021.
It is worth mentioning that Northern Railway achieved the Railway Board’s Sale target of Rs. 370 crores in November 2021 itself. Northern Railway is also way ahead in comparison with other Zonal Railways and Production Units.
Further, Gangal said that scrap disposal is an important activity. “Besides generating revenue from scrap, it also helps to maintain the working premises neat & tidy. Availability of scrap like Rail pieces, Sleepers, Tie Bars, etc. nearby Railway lines is a potential safety hazard,” he added.
Similarly, abandoned structures like Water Tanks, Cabins, Quarters, and other buildings are prone to be misused. Their quick disposal has always been a priority area and monitored at the highest level.
Scrap PSC Sleepers which have accumulated in large quantity over Northern Railway is also being disposed of off to release the valuable area for Railway activities besides generating revenue.
Northern Railway is poised to cleanse the system from Scrap on a ‘Mission Mode’ to achieve ‘Zero Scrap’ status and set all-time high Scrap Sale record this financial year, informed the GM.