Indian Navy, Narcotics Control Bureau seize 3300 kg contraband on high seas

Navy seizes 3,300 kg drugs from dhow in major operation

In a coordinated operation at sea, the Indian Navy and the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) apprehended a suspicious vessel carrying almost 3300 Kgs of contraband (3089 Kgs Charas, 158 Kgs Methamphetamine 25 Kgs Morphine).

Based on intelligence received from the Indian Navy’s maritime surveillance aircraft which was corroborated with inputs from the NCB, a mission-deployed IN warship was pressed into action to intercept a suspicious dhow en route to the Indian waters with sizable contraband. IN units successfully located, tracked, and intercepted the suspicious boat at sea.

The Boarding Operations on the dhow resulted in the largest seizure of narcotics, in quantity, in recent times. Subsequently, the boat was towed by the IN warship to the nearest Indian port for handing over the crew and contraband to the Law Enforcement Agencies.

”This operation is significant, not only in terms of quantity and cost of the seized contraband but also highlights the collaborative efforts between the Indian Navy and the NCB for disruption of the illegal narcotics smuggling routes, which emanate from the Makran coast and flow towards various Indian Ocean Region (IOR) countries,” the Ministry of Defence said.

”The successful coordinated mission reaffirms the strong commitment and resolve of the Indian Navy in thwarting the attempts to use the seas as a medium for illegal activities, especially in India’s maritime neighbourhood,” the ministry added.