Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Tuesday, attended the Dussehra celebrations at Delhi’s Dwarka where he lit the effigy of the demon king Ravana as part of the traditional ceremony of Ravan Dahan to mark the victory of good over evil.
The event, held at Sector 10 Dwarka in New Delhi marked the culmination of the nine-day Navratri festival.
While greeting the nation from the dais, Modi greeted fellow Indians on the occasion of Vijaya Dashami and applauded the rich cultural heritage of India. Modi said that India is a land of festivals and different vibrant cultures hence some part of the country is always celebrating some festival.
“Through India’s festivals we celebrate the salient aspects of Indian culture. We get to know different types of art, music, song and dance,” he said.
The Prime Minister urged the people to save energy and water and asked them to take a pledge to do the same.
“On Vijaya Dashami, at a time when we celebrate the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, I have a request for my fellow citizens. Let us take a pledge to conserve energy, save water and national resources of the country and do not waste food.”
“This Diwali, let us celebrate the accomplishments of our Nari Shakti (women power). This can be our Lakshmi Pujan.”
“In the last nine days we worshipped Maa (Durga). Taking that spirit ahead, let us always work towards furthering empowerment of women as well as according dignity to women,” he said.
Since on Tuesday the country also celebrated the 87th Air Force Day, Modi praised the Indian Air Force and said that the country is extremely proud of its air warriors and their unparalleled services to the nation and its people.