Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav said on Monday that the BJP state government is seriously contemplating to ban the sale and consumption of liquor in all the religious cities of the state.
He told some media persons that the state government is planning to amend its excise policy for religious cities and move towards complete prohibition in such sacred towns. He added that the aim is to maintain the purity and sanctity of such religiously important places.
The CM pointed out that several seers, religious heads and also many people have urged the government to take such a step. He said there have been complaints about the religious environment of such cities being spoiled due to the presence of alcohol shops there.
The CM said the current budget year is going to end soon and the state government is thinking of amending the excise policy for religious towns from the coming fiscal year. “We are serious and we will take a decision in this regard very soon,” he asserted.
Dr Yadav’s statement came on the day the ‘Maha Kumbh’ began at Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh today.