Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav on Tuesday passed strict instructions to collectors of all districts to ensure that no borewells are left open and emphasized that the state government would not tolerate any negligence in this matter.
Addressing a review meeting, the CM took cognizance of the tragic borewell accident at village Pipliya in Raghogarh of Guna district, where 10-year-old boy Sumit Meena had slipped into the open shaft of a borewell and died on 29 December, soon after being rescued from a depth of 40 feet after a 16-hour-long rescue operation.
The CM asked all the Collectors to keep their field teams alert and ensure that such accidents do not recur. The CM also stressed the need to raise public awareness in society about the dangers of open borewells.
The CM also reiterated the government’s unwavering commitment to prioritizing developmental works and providing better services to the public. He emphasized that any form of negligence in this regard would not be tolerated.
He instructed all MLAs and officials to ensure that the benefits of the government’s public welfare schemes reach the intended beneficiaries. He said that MLAs and officials must personally visit households and monitor the progress of the campaign.
The CM emphasized that all MLAs should work with dedication towards the development of their respective constituencies. To facilitate systematic development, the CM instructed that each MLA must prepare a five-year master plan for their constituency.