Shiv Sena Rajya Sabha MP Milind Deora on Tuesday wrote to Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, demanding a thorough audit of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants across Maharashtra and act against them, in the wake of the recent attack on actor Saif Ali Khan.
Earlier, the police had claimed that the actor was attacked by an illegal immigrant from Bangladesh.
Deora’s letter on Tuesday has drawn the attention of CM Fadnavis to the “urgent issue” of Bangladeshi immigrants and their unchecked employment across various sectors of the state’s economy.
“It is imperative that the Government of Maharashtra conducts a comprehensive audit of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants residing and working in the state. This initiative should involve district collectors, local municipalities, and law enforcement agencies, working in coordination to identify, verify and act against undocumented individuals,” according to Milind Deora’s letter to CM Fadnavis.
Deora has stated in his letter to CM Fadnavis that staffing and recruitment companies must be held responsible and they must be penalised if they were found getting jobs for illegal immigrants without verifying their documents like Aadhaar cards.
“I strongly urge the Government of Maharashtra to implement stringent regulations mandating staffing agencies to verify the authenticity of all documents before placing individuals in jobs. There is also a need to introduce penalties for non-compliance, including fines and cancellation of licenses for agencies found guilty of neglecting this responsibility. There is a need to conduct regular inspections to ensure compliance with these regulations,” Deora’s letter to CM Fadnavis stated.
“Maharashtra has always been a beacon of opportunity and inclusivity, but it is critical to balance these values with the necessity of ensuring safety, security, and legal accountability. A concerted effort to address this issue will not only bolster public confidence but also safeguard the interests of law-abiding citizens and businesses in our state,” Deora’s letter to CM Fadnavis stated.