Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu has said that media should enrich thought process of people and promote a positive mindset. He was addressing the gathering after presenting degrees to students at the 3rd Convocation of Kushabhau Thakre Patrikarita Avam Jansanchar Vishwavidyalaya, in Raipur, Chhattisgarh on Wednesday.
Naidu recollected his association with late Kushabhau Thakre and called him an ideal public leader. He has asked students passing out of the University to learn from Mr Thakre and lead a disciplined life with dedication.
Naidu said that media should be critical of the ills in society and heighten awareness of the social maladies afflicting contemporary society like casteism, communalism, corruption and atrocities against women.
Naidu further said that media should be a means of empowerment for development through informed actions. Those who obstruct Parliament and not allow it function should not get prominence in media, he added.
Media should be a Means of Empowerment for Development through Informed Actions. It should enrich the thought processes and promote a positive mindset.
— VicePresidentOfIndia (@VPSecretariat) May 16, 2018
Vice President said that media should dedicate itself to a new TRP philosophy: the promotion of truth in a responsible and professional manner. He further said that harmonisation of rights and responsibilities are must for a free media to flourish.
Media should dedicate itself to a new TRP philosophy: The Promotion of Truth in a Responsible and Professional Manner. Harmonization of rights and responsibilities is needed for a free media to flourish.
— VicePresidentOfIndia (@VPSecretariat) May 16, 2018
Information with confirmation can become the most powerful ammunition to fight against injustice, social evils and the negative forces in the world, he added.
Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh Dr Raman Singh and other dignitaries were present on the occasion.